5 min readJan 17, 2020

After the hectic juggling of the weekdays’ demands, we definitely want to relax and regain ourselves before the routine starts all over again. Sometimes we wonder what to do with our free time. Go to a nightclub or attend a party?

Well, here are 7 things you should definitely try out on your weekends to help develop yourself on a personal level.


This is a very common practice worldwide. You often see people running from across the street and you just don’t see yourself indulging in such a vigorous activity.

Well, in as much as it is vigorous, it is highly rewarding. It relaxes your tensed up muscles, and helps you unwind yourself. After a shower, try resting for about an hour and you are ready to take on the world feeling refreshed with a focused and confident mind.

Choose a weekend morning, and loosen up your muscles.


This is an exercise recently gaining recognition at an alarming rate. It is aimed directly at unwinding the burdens of the mind and soul. Though it is not as vigorous as jogging, its effect on the body is astonishing. It helps free your mind, and keeps your emotional balance in check.

In the end, you feel relaxed and whole again.


So this is a casual thing people do when they feel lazy, or when lovers feel they want to hold hands and get all “lovey-dovey”. What you didn’t know is it could help relax your state of mind in large ways.

I consider it the neutral point between jogging and yoga. As you’re clearing your mind, you’re also exercising your muscles. It also goes a long way to helping you appreciate the amazing person you are.

At the end of the days’ chores, take a walk through a garden, a park or the beach. Breathe in the fresh air and slowly let go of all the negativity bustling through your mind and soul all week.

Note that it is always better to do this at a peaceful environment, as noisy places will only disrupt your process. It can also be carried out any day, though it is best done at leisure to allow you ample time to fully unwind.


After a weeklong torture of sitting long hours and staring at computer screens, you will want to take advantage of the free time and explore the world outside your home and office.

This stage is where you be yourself and embrace the adventurous side of you, letting loose the “prim and proper” front as much as possible.

Knowing you can be yourself without fear will surely go a long way in boosting your self-confidence and courage.

And who knows? You might even find yourself a new friend.


You’ve probably forgotten about the other people in your life outside your work and just gone on a couple of business dates.

The weekend leisure gives you the perfect opportunity to loosen up with the people you care about. Dress up, set the time and place, go play catch up and have fun.

Could be with your friends, spouse, family or that crush you’ve been meaning to go out with. Interacting with people in your close circle uplifts your spirit and gives you the sense of belonging and security. You are reminded you have a lot more to live for, and knowing they’ve got your back when the going gets tough.

It is one of the most powerful ways to build one’s self esteem.


There is a reason it is said that “music is food for the soul”. It is so powerful the mere sound of it can uplift the spirit of man, being one of life’s greatest pleasures.

Listening to good music, soothing music precisely, would greatly take of the stress from your system and make way for healthy thoughts. It’s an easier and great way to relax the stressful mind. It can also sharpen your brain, and improve how the mind processes.

Simply put on your headset or turn up the volume of your speaker to a slightly low, soothing level. Release the curtains to get the cozy feeling, lay your head on a pillow and close your eyes.

Let yourself in the music, relish the feeling and you will be thrilled with its amazing effects.


Many see this activity as a tiring and boring chore, but it is one of the greatest ways of building your intellectual capacity. It engages the mind and relaxes it at the same time.

The more you read, the more you acquire knowledge and improve your vocabulary.

Don’t stop yourself short. Grab a book and read away.

Oh, and don’t forget your juice!!!

Try any of these wonderful activities at home, and transform yourself.

Always feel good about who you are, it is your greatest weapon.

By: Afua Ayi

